Poise Alexander Technique Melbourne

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What is Alexander Technique? Video

Alexander Technique is: a skill, a practice, an art, unique.

Alexander Technique has long been associated with improving posture and breathing. It goes far beyond that.

Alexander Technique is a skill.

It aims for sustained ease, efficiency and improved performance - at work, in play and in daily life.

You can use Alexander Technique to manage pain symptoms, and the underlying causes.

It has been used to support recovery from injury and a variety of health issues.

Alexander teachers are educating people, training them to use themselves well.

Alexander Technique is a practice.

Alexander Technique stimulates the spontaneous, natural coordination we see in children.

t addresses habits of posture, thought and movement, optimising personal performance.

The practice is based on principles described by FM Alexander over 100 years ago.

Alexander Technique is an art.

In any discipline or vocation, artistry is associated with a quality of grace, poise, and ease.

Alexander Technique helps you access artistry in music, sports, work - anything you choose.

Alexander Technique is unique.

The best way to understand Alexander Technique is to experience it for yourself. Alexander Technique is there to help you improve the quality of your life.

Created by Jeremy Woolhouse
Music copyright Jeremy Woolhouse
Footage Creative Commons via pixabay

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